Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Preventing spread of COVID-19

To prevent the spread of COVID 19, it is important to reduce the basic reproduction number (R0) of about 2.2. We propose using an amphiphilic compound, such as detergent powder to encapsulate the mucous droplets.

It can be expected that small number of micrometer sized droplets will result from breathing or talking. Further many droplets should result from sneezing or coughing. The droplets should self-assemble into a miscelle structure upon contact with detergent. Because of their regular shape it should be easy to use optical detection methods to see them near a person. It should be expected they will drop to whatever surface is nearby, and thus it should be easily cleaned by washing or wiping. Of course, this will not in any way indicate if a person is infected or not. However, in mitigation, we should err on the side of assuming everyone is infected, even if there are no symptoms.

Protein structure will probably denature, depending on the size of droplet. Larger droplets will contain more mucous and this will serve to stabilize their structure. However in the process of cleaning larger droplets, that have fallen to surface, we will be mechanically breaking larger droplets into smaller droplets, and any viral protein coating should denature and expose the genetic material for destruction.

A person should have a layer of detergent, ideally on waterproof clothing. It should be gentle enough not to create allergic reactions. The person should clean regularly with water (within a few hours), and before eating.

Lastly it should be studied if they can be embedded in mask. The mask should have relatively impermeable inside (facing mouth) (maybe a metallic mesh), so detergent does not go back to the mouth. Thus when a person is speaking, any droplets should be embedded in miscelles which should fall to ground. Then for smooth surfaces it would be easy to clean by a wiping or if not smooth, by water.

Besides droplets, we might have aerosols with corresponding smaller droplet size. Since they can travel greater distances, we can expect they will denature completely due to the more contact with detergent.